
You are specifically must comply of the following:

  1. All transaction must be in Ringgit Malaysia (MYR).
  2. No notice will be issue for any price changes.
  3. Minimum Price charges is for 12 Hours.
  4. All passenger must not bring any item that unlawful in Malaysia. SCR Car Rental will not responsible with any charges if you find guilty.
  5. Passenger need to repair the car if they make damage during car rental.
  6. Passenger need to pay all the damage if the involved with accident during the rental.
  7. Passenger who are registered with SCR Car Rental only can drive the car.
  8. SCR Car Rental will not hold any responsibilities if there is accident happen during the rental.
  9. Collateral are needed. You can give money, item, cars and other. SCR Car Rental will give back the collateral if there is no issue with the rental car condition or any claims.
  10. If you want to renew the rental, please tell SCR Car Rental 8 hours before your rental is finished. If no information provided, we can charge as late delivery of rental car.
There is no selected car class in current office. Please choose another Class!